Desiretruth blog
Musings from Pastor Ross
A Life Changed - the Testimonies of my Parents!
I was born in 1956, so that makes me 44 years of age. I'm married to Pat and have two boys Andrew 13 and Ross 10. We attend Carrubbers Christian Centre as a family, but it was not always like that.
The Church and The Pastor
God owns the church, God has authority over the church, God grows the Church and God calls the Pastor to teach His words.
A firm belief in 'Biblical'
In recent weeks I have noticed the term ‘Biblical’ being scoffed at. It may have been related to marriage, to church or to everyday living, but the use of ‘Biblical’ before these terms is mocked. So, what does ‘Biblical’ mean and why is their rising opposition to its use?
Family Life
I have been asked on several occasions what we do as a family to cope with the Covid-19 Pandemic. I find myself wanting to write a witty and innovative blog as my answer, but there is only one problem – we haven’t really done anything differently since the pandemic started. Let me explain!
Whole Life Commitment
Recently I was asked to film a short reflection on a Psalm of my choosing. Provided is that reflection on Psalm 150 - is there more to Psalm 150 than a great worship service?
To DWELL in the word of God - 4 reasons to use the DWELL App!
Before the summer, I was listening to a sermon and heard a preacher recommend the DWELL app. It was described as “an app that uses the word of God to settle and refresh your soul.”
Daily Bible Reading
At the beginning of the year, we embarked on our journey to read the whole Bible in a year. This is the fourth year that we as a family have done it, and the second year Lincoln Baptist has set out on this journey.
Positives of Waiting
At the beginning of the week, we announced that Lincoln Baptist would delay opening the church for services, with a review to be held early September (I want to be clear; delay is not the same as avoid/refuse).
Saved from Excuses
God had a noble task for him, to lead the people of God out of slavery. The response of Moses was nothing more than a spiritless list of excuses. Is this really the great Moses, who later would be described as having no-one greater than him?
Encourage (your leaders...)
Over recent weeks, I have spoken to several Pastors and church leaders. On the whole, these conversations have been encouraging and a reminder in Gospel partnership. However, there is a growing number of discouraged Pastors and church leaders.
Should we use Facebook Ads?
As church services move online, the majority of churches have adapted well. However, there is one element that has caused much discussion – Adverts! Specifically, Facebook Adverts!
Lessons in the Storm
May 18th, 2020 – 17 years to the day since my Father died. I was just a young boy at 13 years old, but on that day, I had to grow up fast! Over the years, I have learned that anniversaries don’t need to be painful but can be moments of reflection
Biblical Unity
A few thoughts on Biblical unity sparked by a Gospel community coming together in acts of kindness!
Responding to Covid-19
Ironically, I found myself wanting to write an article, wait for it, on “the most important aspect of our response to Covid-19”.
The Prologue of John's Gospel
Who is Jesus? This is the important question that John (brother of James and Disciple of Jesus) aims to answer in his Gospel account. In his Gospel, the answer to such a question is clear – Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour of the world!
FIEC Leadership Conference (Part 3 of 3)
In my final blog from the FIEC leadership conference I reflect back. I spent the last 2 days thinking! It is always good to be still and hear from God.
FIEC Leadership Conference (Part 2 of 3)
A few thoughts and takeaways from day 2 of the FIEC leadership conference
FIEC Conference (Part 1 of 3)
My ten takeaways from day 1 of the FIEC leaders conference, feel free to comment and add your thoughts!