Responding to Covid-19
Over the last few weeks, I have read countless Blogs and watched many Vlogs. They all seem to start with the same message, the 10 ways, or 5 ways, or 7 pieces of advice, on how to change/adapt/cope with the current Covid-19 pandemic. I find these articles interesting, mainly, for their ‘expert advice’. Nobody has gone through a situation like this before, there are no experts, and there are no church contingency plans for a worldwide pandemic. We are literally making it up as we go along!
Ironically, I found myself wanting to write an article, wait for it, on “the most important aspect of our response to Covid-19”. Ok, so maybe I need to hear my own grumble and apply it to my writing. However, I hope you will see, that we can, to some extent, worry less about the best advice about how to respond and focus more on this singular important aspect.
Here it is, found in Matthew 6:33 – “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
This verse is found in the Sermon on the Mount, an extended teaching session from Jesus during his earthly ministry. It comes at the end of a section on anxiety and worrying about the future. In response, Jesus teaches three things, let me apply these teachings to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
1. ‘What will we do in the future,’ - we are to look to the eternal Kingdom of God. What does that mean? Well in Colossians 3 we are told not to look to the earthly things, but to look heavenward. It is a reminder that this earth is not our home, instead, we long for the eternal life that is promised in Jesus. We know we can’t find true peace on this earth, because true peace is found in Jesus.
In applying this to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to remember that we don’t seek to come out of this better and stronger, we don’t even seek to come out of this with gained advantages. We simply seek the Kingdom of God, our eternal home, to bring us Peace, to give us Grace and to lead the church in Mercy.
2. ‘How do we change in the current crisis,’ - we are to seek His Righteousness. You can take this in two ways. Firstly, you can seek to be right with God through the righteousness of Jesus. In other words, to be Holy (set apart) because Jesus is Holy. Secondly, you can see Jesus as the Righteousness of God. He is the Glory of the Father. Either way, you still come to the same end – JESUS.
In applying this to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is only one expert piece of advice and only one way to operate as an individual or as a church – to seek Jesus! He has the power to change lives. He is the only provision of forgiveness and salvation. He is the only one that can make us right with God. As we seek the eternal Kingdom of God, we want to bring as many with us! Jesus is the answer!
3. So, what does it mean ‘and all this will be added to you?’ Well, it’s a response to the earlier questions in the passage - ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ Jesus is proclaiming that we don’t need to worry about our future plans, He will sort it, He has it under control.
Again, applying this to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need not worry about our future plans of what ministries, when we open, how we cope, what if… Jesus has it all under control. However, there is a firm encouragement. You will have Peace over your future plans and ministry developments, when we seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
What’s my plan and strategy for Lincoln Baptist in the Covid-19 pandemic? – To seek Jesus, to hope for the eternal Kingdom and to pray in confidence to the God who has it all under control! It’s not a 7-point plan from a leading ‘expert’, it is a singular focus provided by the Word of God!
Pastor Ross Ferguson