Positives of Waiting

At the beginning of the week, we announced that Lincoln Baptist would delay opening the church for services, with a review to be held early September (I want to be clear; delay is not the same as avoid/refuse). The church was informed of the many practical reasons behind this decision, however with this blog, I hope to show the Spiritual reasoning behind our delay. In other words, here are some ways to think positively about not re-opening quite so soon.

1. A Biblical example – The Apostle Paul!

Remember how Paul could have escaped prison, but chose not to, which led to the salvation of the Jailor (Acts 16:25-40)? Remember how Paul under house arrest wrote letters to encourage the church in Philippi, Colossae and Ephesus? Remember how Paul was eager to be with people, even asking for a room to be prepared, yet continued to minister from a distance (Philemon 22)?

In these examples I am reminded that our love isn’t for the building, nor for the program of ministries but first and foremost for our Lord Jesus Christ. No opening/closing of buildings should change that. Our second love is for the people, specifically to lead them to Jesus so they find true joy in Him. We have seen in our patient waiting on the Lord, and in using this time to see Jesus in all circumstances, there has been real challenge to our church to be ‘ALL FOR JESUS’ not just ‘Sunday attenders’. God is refining His church and we chose to sit in the fire to be made more complete by our Lord.

2. The need for unity!

Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Do you count the people who can’t attend (70+, medical conditions, shielding and potentially children) as more significant than yourself? We wish to join our brothers and sisters who can’t attend, waiting patiently alongside them until we all can attend together. We look not to our own interest (the want to be together) but to the interests of others (the want to remain safe) and we stand with them. Yes, this is sacrificial, and yes sacrifice is biblical!

3. Serving one another!

1 Peter 4:10 – “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”

We could spend hundreds of hours cleaning and re-cleaning. We could spend our energy on ensuring exact social distancing, or that everyone has a mask on. We could spend our time telling people not to sing or to leave the building quickly. OR we could see how we can serve one another in new ways.

Our church has been sending cards, making phone calls, buying shopping for others, doing gardening for the elderly in our church, joking with those who have never used technology but have now started their journey. We have seen members who suffer with ill health prayed for and now prayer partners have been set up. We are constantly looking at new ways to help one another. Yes we want to meet again, but we don’t want to replace this ‘service to one another’ with rules and regulations of a midway compromise.

4. Serving the neediest!

Matthew 25:40 - ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me”

As a church we have a significant homeless ministry. We are currently feeding about 20+ rough sleepers every day via a pickup system. They are able to check in with nurses and mental health workers and get the support they need. To move back to in person services, will mean a drastic change to how we are serving those neediest in this difficult time (due to potential cross contamination risks involved with covid-19). We are content to forgo our rights and desires for the sake of those neediest. We pray for the day when we can return to in person services and the re-launch of several of our other homeless ministries.

5. Church growth!

Acts 2:47b – “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

We hear that the economy has shrunk by over 20%. We hear that retail spending is down dramatically. We hear that gym attendance is non-existent (they are all closed). As we hear how so many organisations are struggling or reducing in size, we assume that this is the case for the church. Not so!

Our online attendance for services is 2 to 3 times higher than in person. Our prayer meetings have increased in size (moving from monthly to fortnightly). Our pastoral network has shifted to an extensive care system. Our teaching program has trebled. We have 4 new member applications. We have seen 2 salvations. The Lord has continued to grow His church! We do not fear the ‘online nature’ nor continuing it for a little longer – for God has greatly blessed us!

6. The need to be still and rest!

Jeremiah 31:25 – “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”

Our leadership have spent the last 100 days working tirelessly to ensure the church family is supported and encouraged to grow in their faith. Hundreds of hours of Bible Teaching, Pastoral Care and Planning have been undertaken. For some of our leaders, they have done this while also holding down full-time jobs or managing home-schooling/childcare and similar activities. It is fair to say, our leadership is tired! It has been a joy and privilege to serve, but it has also been draining. Rushing into opening the church will lead to burnout.

Instead, we want to model what it means to rest in the Lord, that God would replenish and refresh our souls. We pray that upon resting in the Lord, we will be given the zeal and energy to launch into the next season of church ministry. In seeking this time of stillness and rest, we are showing that we are honouring God by being completely reliant on Him

A final note…

Of course, we long to meet together. We want to be the people of God gathering in praise and worship. Nothing can replace the high fives at the door as the children arrive for junior church, or the joy of seeing the car park filling up, or the delight of sung worship. We wait and long for that day to come again.

We continue to pray that the Lord will guide our decision, making and grow His church!

Pastor Ross Ferguson


Daily Bible Reading


Saved from Excuses