Music Ministry Conference (2 of 3)
A great element of a conference is the seminar streams. The Music Ministry 21 conference had several to choose from, I personally chose ‘Effective Servant Leading in Music Ministry’ – a round table discussion with Musicians, Pastors, and ministry leaders. I was drawn to the word ‘effective’; I want to be effective in how I lead rather than ineffective, possibly damaging the ministry.
Here is a breakdown of that seminar – Effective Servant Leading in Music Ministry
Andy Mason opened the session by reminding us of Godly Leadership, specifically that 1 Corinthians 13, and the character of love should be central to our leadership. Failures in ministry are often because we have replaced love with self-centredness. Love will bring about good relationships, and good relationships will help produce effect music ministry.
How does it go wrong?
The temptation to become proud over our talents and performance is immense!
Lack of communication is not loving and leads to unhelpful assumptions
To combat these elements, we should openly talk with each other. Encourage each other and refine in love. Specifically for the Pastor, remember they are members of the flock, not just minions/musicians, they are children of God, so Pastor them and lead them. Lead with encouragement – say thank you, say well done, show the church love! Andy Mason was once again helpful in reminding us to respect each other, and each other’s gifts. As we respect one another, we will honour one another and think the best of each other!
A few questions were asked:
What to do when someone is self-centred?
Speak with them gently and kindly, lead them to Jesus!
Check yourself, before you talk with someone, be before Jesus in humility!
Have ongoing relationships that develop over time – it shouldn’t be about perfection but the daily sanctification of our hearts
Encourage new members by using gentle and loving language (don’t criticise!)
How to have Mutual development of a service with both Pastor and Music team?
Have a good working relationship – talk often, be open and ensure clarity
What is the big theme of the sermon? Discuss it, study it together and be led by the Spirit
Remember you are in this together, for Jesus! It is not about winning your preference!
How do we promote healthy communication and speaking up?
Keep in mind of equipping – you are developing future leaders/ministry workers.
Preparation is key – it focuses the conversation on that service
It was clear throughout the seminar that your relationship with Jesus will be reflected in your relationship with the music team. Having Jesus at the centre, will lead us to repent from our ego and personal demands, and will lead us into a joyous mutual service for the Kingdom!
Before I sign off Blog 2, here are a few thoughts from the other seminars (thanks to the LBC worship team)
Singing with all Ages (thoughts from Nom - LBC Worship Team)
If all age services are keeping people away from the church, figure out why this is and how we aren’t serving everyone.
An all age service should be just that - ALL AGE.
Consider songs in 4 categories - adult, adult and child friendly, child and adult friendly, and then child friendly
Actions are great for children songs!
Hymn Writing for the Local Church (thoughts from Richard - LBC Leader)
Really interesting session. Matt discussed why we “need” new songs when we have so many. Lots of reasons but some favourite quotes:
Songs represent a powerful and portable theology
Creativity honours God and reflects His image and His creative nature
We should focus on doctrine and truth, but the power of poetry helps us connect our emotions to what we are singing
Effective Servant Leading in Music Ministry (thoughts from Adrian - LBC Worship Team)
Andy - what does it look like in your church - all of us trying to grow in understanding and character, which each support the other.Priority is I Cor 13 'love' a necessity for leaders of whatever kind, whether pastor, musician, welcomer etc. Leadership is a gift of the Holy Spirit, one gift many. Many failures caused by lack of love.
Mark - see from both sides. As a musician lovely when Pastor keeps close to us. How do we cope when when sermon has just finished and we've heard God speak to us, may be broken but have to stand up and sing the last song.
Leah - we each bring our expertise, background but should not patronise - we are all called to serve (each other and Jesus).
Effective Servant Leading in Music Ministry (thought from Lorraine - LBC Worship Team)
Effective Leadership is thinking about how we can love the people we serve!
Pastor Ross Ferguson