Music Ministry Conference (1 of 3)

Our Worship team are privileged to attend the online Music Ministry UK conference today! What an encouragement to come together, with other churches and musicians, to learn, praise and equip one another in ministry. Here are some thoughts from the first session for your encouragement!


Session 1 – The Joy of Gathering as God’s People

With songs to sing, testimonies to encourage and the usual plug :) it all felt very familiar, I almost forgot that I was online rather than attending in person. The great advantage this year was that I could sit with my wife and enjoy being fed with the Word of God online, something we often miss as a ministry couple. The operation was slick, but most importantly, the Word of God was powerfully taught. Here are some take home points from Jonty Alcock!

Ephesians 3:14-21 - Immeasurably more!

• The Church is eternally purposed by God – Jesus unites broken people and makes them beautiful.

• God is going to take dead, disobedient people who deserve the wrath of God and He will make them alive; raise them up and He will seat them with Christ!

• The Church is God’s handiwork.

• Jesus came to smash down walls, because walls keep us apart, but Jesus brings us together!

• The presence of God moved from the Temple, to Jesus and now to the Church on earth!

As Jonty took us through Ephesians, he raised 5 application points that reminded us, God’s word is not just for knowledge, but for wisdom – for daily application!

Model Joy – Seek Jesus for Joy! Tell Him when you are struggling for Joy, and let Him fill your heart!

Fight Cynicism – don’t compare! Serve Jesus, not ratings!

Embrace Tiredness – be tired for Jesus! Be all in, all the time!

Smash Walls – love your church! You will lead better, when you love more!

Be A Burden – let the church help you!

What struck me throughout these applications is the desperate need to be focused on Jesus. When we take our eyes off Jesus, and place them on other churches, musicians or even our own lives, we are in danger of completely missing the point! As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we will truly see Him do immeasurably more than we can imagine, we can think big, and we can, with confidence through Jesus, present the church as holy and pleasing before our Heavenly Father!

Pastor Ross Ferguson

P.S - The worship included a banjo solo… PRAISE JESUS!

P.P.S - My favourite quote “you may be an average musician…” a humbling thought, it is not about our skills, but about the one we serve! Let Jesus shine through, not how good (or not) you are!


Music Ministry Conference (2 of 3)


A conversation with Elliot Hyliger (UCCF)