LBC has a comprehensive youth ministry catering for all ages – from babies and toddlers to young adults. The ministries for the various age ranges are described below.
LBC follows the EMBA Safeguarding Procedure for Churches (see the link at the foot of the page for further details).
Crèche (0 - 4)
All little ones aged four and under are welcome to join us at LBC crèche. We have a wonderful group of leaders and helpers who are ready to introduce the Bible through stories, craft and play.
Our crèche sessions take place during the morning service while the sermon is being preached. We ask that all children under the age of one are accompanied by a parent or guardian in crèche. Older children may be left in the care of crèche staff while parents/guardians return to the service, but only if the adult-to-children ratio allows: the decision will also be at the leaders’ discretion.
BLAST KS1: (5-7) and KS2: (7-11)
B.L.A.S.T. (Both Salt And Light Together) is a ministry for children in two age ranges: Key Stage 1 (5–7 and Key Stage 2 (7–11), providing a Sunday school and an outreach programme.
Sunday school – we currently serve about twenty primary-aged children each Sunday. Until Easter 2025 we are using Play through the Bible as the foundation for our curriculum, working through Luke’s Gospel. Teaching is appropriate for each of the Key Stage groups. Children are given their own notebook to bring each Sunday, and some discussion points for the week ahead are entered, which parents/guardians are encouraged to work through with their children. The children will also learn the books in the New Testament through song (here’s the link to the song
Outreach programme – this takes the form of various outreach family-focused events. In the run up to Christmas the following events are being organised:
October – Light party
November – Christmas craft.
These free events will provide a hot meal during the last week before pay day, thus serving the community and getting them used to being in the church building. Aimed at the primary age bracket, they will also be publicised to the local primary school. Further details will be provided on the website when they become available.
Please note the following:
At Christmas we’ll be taking a break from Luke to focus on the Christmas story using Bake through the Bible.
BLAST will not run during the Christmas school holiday but there will be in-church provision.
Flaming Eagles KS3: (11-14) KS4: (14-17)
Flaming Eagles is a ministry for young people in two age ranges: Key Stage 3 (11–14 and Key Stage 4 (11–17), providing teaching and fellowship on Sundays. Currently, the book of Romans is being studied, and every six weeks there is a Q & A discussion based on topics put forward by the young people.
IMPACT (18-25)
IMPACT – this is a ministry to young adults offering a combination of Bible literacy, apologetics (i.e. a reasoned and robust defence of biblical truth) and discipleship, as well as promoting integration into the church body as a whole. Currently there are two meetings:
Burning Questions (1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings each month) – an opportunity to discuss burning questions about faith, the Bible and life in general over hot chocolate and cake! As well as being times of great encouragement, to meet together and grow in Christ, they also provide a great place to bring friends who may want to know more about Christianity.
Equip (monthly on Saturday mornings) – provides an opportunity to develop skills for engaging with Scripture, and to become equipped to share the gospel with confidence.