Community Outreach

Serving our local community

At Lincoln Baptist, we are always striving to see how we can best serve our community. Being uniquely situated on Croft Street, we are passionate in helping those who suffer from homelessness, addictions, mental health issues or simply find themselves lonely. We have over the years developed several ministries, each with different aims yet all with the same motive – to love our community with the love of Jesus, in doing so, we pray, that lives will be changed for the better!

Would you like to serve in our Community Outreach project?

Our Current projects


LIFT - breakfast

(in partnership with Development +)

When: Monday – Friday

Time: 7am - 9am

With several individuals in Lincoln either sleeping rough (i.e. have no bed to sleep in) or in temporary hostels, there was a need to help individuals start the day with a sense of purpose, it is hard to be positive about the future when you are cold and hungry. So, in April 2019, we launched LIFT Breakfast.

Opening our doors at 7am, we begin to serve those who are in need of food/warm drink. Due to Covid 19, we have been unable to invite them into the building, but through robust planning, we have been able to continue this vital service.

The added advantage of LIFT breakfast is that we are able to help with booking in doctors appointments, arranging visits to other third sector organisations and simply help people start the day of with something to aim for. It is amazing what a cup of tea, a warm place to sit and a friendly face can do!



LIFT - Lunch

(currently closed due to Covid-19)

When: Every Friday

Time: 1pm - 3pm

Lift grew out of a concern for that element of the local community who are homeless or in the sort of accommodation which gives them nowhere to socialise in the day time. We open every Friday afternoon to offer food (2 course cooked meal) and a listening ear to any who come along. As appropriate we help those who attend with a range of paperwork and accompany our guests to formal meetings when they request the presence of a supportive friend. A number of professionals attend our sessions from time to time in order to meet their clients.

LIFT continues to grow with between 40 and 60 in attendance each week. However, we also have a growing team of about 30 individuals, several of whom were/are guests who help with cooking, washing up and generally helping to serve others.